The Pool – A Poem

The Pool

Swimmers in brightly
colored suits litter the pool with
their laughter, screaming
in delight and
fear. Dazzling leaps,
breath held, bodies
poured, cascading into
the water under
the oak and the ash.

Ripples play, shimmering
waves like broken glass
glide along the
surface, where the leaves
are gathered, scooped
by a man with a
white net on a
long blue pole.

The lawn chair is nice.
Though it did not ask my
name, no formal introduction,
he did allow me
to lounge along
the nylon webbing
stretched across his
sturdy steel frame and admire
a summer day.

10 thoughts on “The Pool – A Poem

  1. This is a narrative poem which at all didn’t bore me. I love how you talked about the lawn chair giving a character supposed for a human–that’s very clever.

    • Thanks! Oh, and for some reason your comments went into my spam file, and the comments were duplicated. I went ahead and approved all of them, but deleted the duplicates. I am not sure why this would happened.

      • I was also surprised and frustrated at some point because I couldn’t see the comments I made. This has not only happened on your blog, but on a couple of others. I’ve pointed out this issue–which has been going on for the past four days to me–on the WP forum. Yet, no response from anyone. I’m sorry for the duplicates.

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